Murang’a Kiota/Rescue Center

Last Updated on

May 17th, 2023 07:37 am

PLMT has developed a project called Rescue Kiota which is registered as a community based program. Kiota is a bird’s nest in Kiswahili. Our first Kiota was established in Central Kenya, Murang’a County in April 2011 and the second in Kwale County in June 2015. To date, the Kiotas have provided temporary shelter to 107 girls in crisis pregnancy, of which 95 girls have been sheltered in Murang’a and 12 in Kwale.

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In order to make an offline donation we ask that you please follow these instructions:

  1. Make a check payable to "Protecting Life Movement Trust"
  2. On the memo line of the check, please indicate that the donation is for "Protecting Life Movement Trust
  3. Please mail your check to:

Support Us
Bank: Stanbic Bank
Account Number: 0100001425336
A/C. Name: Protecting Life Movement Trust
Branch: Upper Hill Medical Center, Ralph Bunche Road


M-PESA PayBill
Business Number: 600100
Account Name: 0100001425336

All contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and are tax deductible.


Donation Total: KSh 5.00